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2PDF 3.0 (January 18, 2024)
- Improved and more reliable file processing core
- New Text annotation operation to quickly add text to converted files (-oper textannotation)
- Setting margins around text for both Text watermark and Text annotation operations with the new txt_margin parameter
- New Crop operation that enables you to crop output pages by setting margins; you can do it manually or via the Auto crop method to automatically remove margins (-oper crop method:autocrop)
- Ability to load source files listed in an Excel spreadsheet (XLS, XLSX or CSV)
- Ability to run multiple command lines in one 2PDF session using the -cmdlines switch
- New supported format: SVG (no additional software required)
- Ability to convert password-protected XLS and XLSX files
- Ability to save/load 2PDF Settings via Export and Import buttons
- Loading custom settings by setting a path to a settings file using the -inipath switch
- Ability to set post-processing actions using the -keepsf switch
- New -fls switch that allows setting specific file loading parameters in the command line syntax, for example, for processing Excel and raster image files
- Ability to save a brief log with 2PDF session statistics using the -options reslog switch
- New Remove blank pages operation (-oper removeblankpages)
- New options for combined PDF/TIFF files if file(s) with the same filename already exist in the output folder (-options ocf): Append, Create separate file, Overwrite, Skip
- Ability to optimize file size of a PDF containing bitmap images by rasterizing its pages into JPEG format (-oper rasterize)
- Ability to load an embedded ICC color profile when processing image files (-fls iccprofile)
- Added new options for Attachments of unknown types action setting to handle "unknown" attachments that are not supported by the program
- Added a new setting for HTML source files — Allow proprietary media formats
- Enhanced HTML to PDF conversion thanks to updated component module
- Enhanced CAD drawings (DWG, DXF) conversion by updating the component module
- Added a new option, Display line weight, for DXF and DWG drawings, allowing users to adjust the thickness of lines
- Added a new option, Fonts to bold, for DXF and DWG drawings, enabling users to make fonts bolder
- New macros {copy} and {copies} available to add, for example, when adding different watermarks depending on the file's number of copy
- New macro {attno} to indicate attachment number in the output file name or in a watermark
- New regular expressions of source file name (e.g., Take digits from the end) to use data from source files in the output filename or in a watermark
- Fixed issue in adding Data Matrix barcode as a watermark
- Incorrect rotation when converting HEIC to PDF fixed
- Fixed issue when Convert only attachments option is used (-options attachments:onlyatt)
2PDF 2.0 (August 24, 2022)
- New supported formats: HEIC, EPUB, VCF, ICS, EMLX, DNG
- Converting Word, Outlook, and Excel files without Microsoft Office
- New post-processing actions: move, copy, delete source files
- Saving web pages as PDF using URL as source
- Converting files from multiple sources at once
- Splitting multipage documents by page ranges
- Drawing a custom rectangular frame on pages or images
- Adding source file names as bookmarks when merging files to a multipage PDF
- Keeping bookmarks of source files
- Disabling Microsoft wildcard matching algorithm
- Changing rasterization resolution (DPI)
- Ability to run 2PDF from a batch file (TXT)
- New tooltips added in 2PDF Advanced Settings
- New Edit operations tab in 2PDF Settings
- Adding multi-line text watermark
- Placing watermark behind document's contents (Z-Order)
- New macro for text watermark: {containername}
- Adding a clickable URL to text or image watermark
- New and improved components for processing CAD files: DWG and DXF
- Attachments of unknown type are ignored (by default)
- Fixed issue with HTML files encoding detection
- Fixed conversion of XML files
- Fixed issue with adding multiple watermarks
- Fixed text watermark rotation issue
- Fixed issue with long lines when converting text files
- Fixed issues with splitting Excel worksheets and page orientation
- Fixed issue with CR2 (Canon photo RAW files) processing
- Fixed conversion of Outlook MSG and EML files with attachments
- Improved logging
2PDF 1.0 (August 20, 2019)
- Ability to convert to PDF format
- Ability to convert all files from a selected folder (including subfolders)
- Ability to combine all files from a folder to a single multipage file
- Ability to set the file name for a combined multipage file
- Ability to OCR files to searchable PDF (6 languages available)
- Ability to convert all files listed in a text file
- Ability to convert CAD drawings
- Ability to combine multiple PDFs into a single PDF file
- Ability to split multipage files into separate PDF pages
- Ability to set manual or auto page rotation (portrait, landscape)
- Ability to set page range
- Ability to delete source files after conversion
- Ability to set the output file name template
- Ability to handle file attachments
- Ability to sort output files by a certain parameter
- Ability to add text watermark and adjust settings
- Ability to add image watermark and adjust settings
- Ability to compress output PDF file size (DOC, DOCX > PDF)
- Ability to quickly merge a large number of files
- Ability to password-protect one or multiple files
- Ability to remove password(s) from one or multiple files