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Command Line Syntax and Examples

The 2PDF Command Line Syntax and Examples page shows the conversion settings that you can specify to adjust your file conversion with 2PDF. The command line syntax parameters determine how files are converted as well as the structure and features of resultant PDF documents. 

Quick start

  1. Press Win+R on your keyboard, type cmd and click OK to open the Command Prompt (CMD).
    Quick start
  2. To call 2PDF, type in 2PDF.exe and press Enter. You can get an entire list of available operations and options by using this command line:


  3. The command lines have arguments with values, which are typed after the command itself. In general, the basic syntax is as follows:

    2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out"

    • -src should be followed by the source folder path with files to be converted or path to input file; 
    • Asterisk (star, *) is a wildcard character which stands for any string of characters (or no characters at all). *.* stands for any filename – point – any file extension;
    • -dst should be followed by the destination folder path for output files;
    • When specifying the source folder path (or source file) and destination path (output folder) – enclose them in double quotation marks. Example: -src "C:\Incoming files\For conversion\Invoice.docx".
  4. Press Enter to execute the command.

Command line structure

The basic command line structure sets the source for files and the destination path. After them you can add optional parameters for output PDF files such as file structure, handling attachments, page autorotation, and more. 

2PDF command line structure looks like:

2PDF.exe -<switch1> [param1:value paramN:value] -<switchN> [parameters]

2PDF command line structure


Use switches -src and -dst to set source for input files and output destination for converted files. You can also: 

Switch Description
-src Sets a location of files that should be converted.
Type of source Example
Folder path -src "C:\In\*.*"
Path to a file -src "C:\In\Document.docx"
Path to a list of file destinations -src "@C:\Files\list.txt"
Web address (URL) -src
Path to a list in Excel file (XLS, XLSX, CSV) -src "@C:\In\List.csv"
  • Folder path must contain a search mask (to allow processing any files use *.*);
  • If you have a list of files to convert, it should be saved as a text file or an Excel spreadsheet. To set a list of files as a source, use @ before the file path. Example: 2PDF.exe -src "@C:\In\List.txt" -dst "C:\Output"
  • When setting the source folder path (or source file path) – don't forget to enclose them in double quotation marks. Example: 2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\Invoice.docx";
  • When using a web address (URL) as a source, you can add user and password if they are required to access the website.
-dst Sets the destination folder for the output PDF file(s). Example: -dst "C:\Output"
-options Sets up file processing and common 2PDF options.
-pdf Sets PDF format options, such as multipage or OCR.
-oper autorotate Sets landscape or portrait orientation for output files.
-oper crop Performs page cropping.
-oper rotate Rotates document pages at a specific angle.
-oper rasterize Optimizes file size of a PDF by rasterizing its pages into JPEG format.
-oper textwatermark Adds a text watermark to document pages.
-oper textannotation Quickly adds text to document pages.
-oper watermark Adds an image watermark to document pages.
-oper paint Draws a rectangular border inside or around the output pages.
-oper removeblankpages Removes unnecessary blank pages automatically.
-postproc Performs additional post-processing actions: copy, move, or delete source or output files
-fls Defines file loading settings.
-inipath Set path and apply previously saved 2PDF Settings.
-info Displays file information, such as the page counter of a source file.
-about Shows license key and software version. Example: 2PDF.exe -about


-cmdlinesAllows to run 2PDF command(s) from a TXT file. This can be helpful when the command is very long or if you want to run several commands sequentially. Example:
2PDF.exe -cmdlines "C:\Scripts\Command.txt"

Common options (-options)

General file conversion options are controlled by the -options switch. Values that are marked bold below are set by default.


Parameter Description Value
(values in bold are set by default)

Set page range.
-options pages:1,3,5-12

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last

scansf: Convert files within subfolders too (if you specify a folder as a source) yes, no
keepsf: Keep the same subfolder structure as in the input folder (if you specify a folder as a source) yes, no

Enable/disable Microsoft DOS/Win32 wildcard matching algorithm.

Learn more [+]
This algorithm is a bit different from the "expected" behavior, since some wildcards work in a different way in Windows (compared to Linux, for example).

Suppose, you want to convert DOC files only. It would seem that you should just use this command:

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.doc"

But as a result, both .DOC and .DOCX files will be converted, which is not needed.

To convert only files that match the specified file extension, disable the Microsoft wildcard matching algorithm. To do that, use the command:

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.doc" -options mswildc:no

yes, no
overwrite: Overwrite existing files or skip them no, yes, skip

Overwrite options for combined PDF/TIFF files if files with the same filename already exist in the output folder (they may have been created before the current 2PDF session). 

Compared to overwrite: parameter, this one works only if -pdf multipage:append or multipage:prepend is used to create multipage documents.

  • append – adds new files as pages to the end;
  • createseparate – creates separate files using File (1), File (2), … pattern;
  • overwrite – overwrites existing files with new ones;
  • skip – does not perform conversion and logs the event only.


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf multipage:append -options ocf:createseparate

append, createseparate, overwrite, skip
break_on_error: Break on error (stop the program in case of an error) no, yes

Adjust output file name template. You can enter your own file name and/or use macros:

  • {*SrcFilename} – source file name;
  • {*WorksheetName} – worksheet file name (for Excel and CAD files only);
  • {*SrcFileMPageNo} – source file page number;
  • {*DstFileExt} – destination file extension.

By default, the page counter ({*SrcFileMPageNo}) appears only for multipage files split into pages. Example:
-options template:"Document-{*SrcFileMPageNo}.{*DstFileExt}"


Input password for the source file or files (if they are password-protected). Example:

-options srcpwd:123456

If a password contains spaces, input it between double quotation marks. Example:

-options srcpwd:"my password"

If you have files secured with more than one password, you can enter multiple passwords too (the order is not important). Example:

-options srcpwd:password1 srcpwd:password2 srcpwd:password3

Enter password(s) for source file(s)
dstpwd: Set password to create password-protect output PDF files. This way, you can protect one or multiple files at once with a single password. Only a single password can be used within a command. Example:
-options dstpwd:123456
Enter password for output file(s)

Change rasterization resolution (DPI) of the output files. This parameter may need changing only when the OCR feature is used which results in file's rasterization.

The default value is 300 which is good for most scenarios, but you can change it for your needs. The rasterization resolution can be set within the range of 72-4096.
attachments:  Set processing of file attachments. Attachments can be saved separately, ignored or combined with the file (append or prepend). Besides, you can convert attachments only, without the file(s).  ignore, separate, onlyatt, combine, combine_prepend
sort: Sort output files. Can be sorted by different parameters like name, date, file type, and more. To sort the files in descending order, use values ending with _d (name_d, date_d, etc.). unsorted, name, date, type, size, path, name_d, date_d, type_d, size_d, path_d

Create events log. This parameter saves log files (in XML format) containing information about the system and records of all 2PDF events. We recommend having this parameter activated because information contained in log files will help our developers quickly identify what's happening in case of any error or issue.

-options log:no
yes, no

Set path to log files location for the log: parameter. By default, it is %TEMP% which usually opens the path "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Temp".

-options log:yes logpath:"E:\2PDF Logs"

Create a resulting log file in TXT format with brief information about each session.

-options reslog:"C:\My folder\My_log.txt"
silent: Suppress console output – do not show the conversion process and convert silently no, yes
alerts: Display alert windows yes, no
fast_combine: Set the number of files to quickly create a multipage PDF from them. Greatly increases file processing speed. Works with PDFs as source files only. The number of files is unlimited. Example: -options fast_combine:10000 Enter the number of source files
user: Enter username (login) for converting a web page – when URL is set as a source and if password entry is required to access the web page. Don't forget to specify both credentials – user and password. Enter username (login)
password: Enter password if password entry is required to access the web page you want to print (URL is set as a source). Don't forget to specify both credentials – user and password. Enter password


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf multipage:split -options pages:"1,3,5-10" scansf:yes keepsf:no overwrite:yes template:"{*SrcFilename}{*SrcFileMPageNo}.{*DstFileExt}" sort:name attachments:combine dstpwd:123456 delsrc:yes silent:yes

In this example we also use -pdf multipage: split described in further section so that template:"{*SrcFilename}{*SrcFileMPageNo}.{*DstFileExt}" could take effect.

PDF format parameters for converted files (-pdf)

You can control different parameters related to the PDF format using the -pdf switch.


Parameter Description Value (values in bold are set by default)
filever: Select PDF version for output files 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
pdf_a: Convert to PDF/A. This feature works for .doc and .docx as source files. no, yes
min_size: Compress output PDF to minimize the file size. This feature works for .doc and .docx as source files. no, yes
multipage: Create a multipage PDF. Possible options:
  • as is – keeps the original file structure
  • split – splits multipage files into separate PDF pages
  • append – adds new files as pages to the end
  • prepend – adds new files as pages to the beginning
asis, split, append, prepend
combine: Set file name for a combined multipage file. If you want to set a filename with spaces, type it within double quotation marks. Example:
-pdf multipage:append combine:"my multipage.pdf"
ocr: Create searchable PDF using built-in OCR no, yes
ocr_lang: Select language available for text recognition via OCR. By default, it is English. Other options: German, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and others. You can select more than one, if your documents are in several languages. Example:
-pdf ocr_lang:English ocr_lang:German
split_step: Split multipage documents by page ranges. By default, multipage documents are split into single pages. But you can change the number of pages, for example, to 3, which will create:
  • file one: pages 1, 2, 3;
  • file two: pages 4, 5, 6;
  • file three: 7, 8, 9, and so on.
keep_bookmarks: Detect bookmarks that are present in the source files (usually Word files) and display them in the output converted files. yes, no


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.docx" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf pdf_a:yes min_size:yes multipage:append combine:my-multipage.pdf ocr:yes ocr_lang:English

Operations (-oper)

You can use additional operations and options for output PDFs, such as applying a text or image watermark, page rotation, and more. Below is a list of switches and their parameters.

Page autorotation (-oper autorotate)

The program recognizes the layout of input files and can set their page orientation according to the specified parameters. Use this switch if you want to make document pages or images landscape or portrait automatically. 

-oper autorotate

ParameterDescriptionValue (values in bold are set by default)
pages:Select pages that need to be rotated automatically, for example "1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
orientation:Set page or image orientation (portrait, landscape). Once enabled, this option will apply portrait or landscape orientation to all filesportrait, landscape
direction:Set auto rotation direction (clockwise or counterclockwise)ccw, cw


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper autorotate orientation:portrait direction:ccw

Page cropping (-oper crop)

This operation enables you to crop output pages. You can customize the margins (method:margins) that need to be cropped off manually for the left, right, top, and bottom side. Alternatively, you can use the autocrop method to automatically remove margins.

-oper crop

Parameter Description Value (values in bold
are set by default)
pages: Select pages to apply cropping, for example "1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
method: Select method of page cropping.

For margins, set the margins' size using the parameters left, top, right, and bottom.
For autocrop, you may want to change color and tolerance parameters.
margins, rect2p, rect_pwh, autocrop
left: Set the left margin. Applies to margins and rect2p crop methods. "0"
top: Set the top margin. Applies to margins and rect2p crop methods. "0"
right: Set the right margin. Applies to margins and rect2p crop methods. "0"
bottom: Set the bottom margin. Applies to margins and rect2p crop methods. "0"
width: Set width of cropping rectangle for rect_pwh method. "0"
height: Set height of cropping rectangle for rect_pwh method. "0"
color: Set color sample for autocrop method. By default it is white. You can pick another color using RGBA color model –"r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255);a:(0-255)". "r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255"
tolerance: Set tolerance value for autocrop method. Applies tolerance value for autocrop method (0-100%). Tolerance parameter specifies the allowed deviation from the color sample specified in the previous color parameter. "0"
units: Set units for setting margins or cropping rectangle size: pixels, mm, cm, inch, percents (percent of page height). pixels, mm, cm, inch, percents


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper crop method:autocrop

Page rotation (-oper rotate)

Use this switch to rotate document pages or images.

-oper rotate

Parameter Description Value (values in bold are set by default)
pages: Select pages that need to be rotated automatically, for example "1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
angle: Set angle of rotation. Please note that you can use only right or straight angles (90, 180, 270) 0
direction: Set direction for page rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise) ccw, cw
color: Set background color using RGB color model – "r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255)" r:255,g:255,b:255


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper rotate angle:90 direction:cw color:"r:0,g:128,b:0"

Rasterization (-oper rasterize)

This operation optimizes file size of a PDF by rasterizing its pages into JPEG format.

-oper rasterize

Parameter Description Value (values in bold
are set by default)
pages: Select pages that need to be rasterized, for example "1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
res: Change the rasterization resolution (DPI) of the output files. You can set the rasterization resolution within the range of 72-4096.
The default value is 72, which is ideal for maintaining a low file size. However, you can adjust it according to your needs.
quality: Set image quality in percent. The quality can be changed within the range of 20-100. 75
antialiasing: Use a rasterization algorithm with anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing helps to make the edges of an image smoother, resulting in a more gradual transition and reducing the visual artifact of stair-stepped pixels. yes


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper rasterize res:150 quality:100

Text watermark (-oper textwatermark)

Use this switch to add text as a watermark. You can fully customize it by selecting the right font, size, color, angle, and positioning.

Note: When the Text watermark is applied, the pages are re-rendered, which might lead to larger file sizes and longer processing times. If you encounter this problem, consider using the Text annotation operation instead.

-oper textwatermark

Parameter Description Value (values in bold
are set by default)
pages: Set page range for the watermark.
Example: 1,3,5-12

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
text:  Input watermark text.
Example: "Confidential"
Type any text
url: Enter a URL for the watermark. You can add a clickable web link to the text watermark Enter URL
font:  Set font name, the default font is Arial.
Example: Verdana
fontsize:  Set font size.
Example: 16
fs_units: Set font size units: points, percents (percent of image height) points, percents
bold:  Make font bold no, yes
italic:  Make font italic no, yes
underline: Make font underlined no, yes
halign: Set horizontal alignment left, center, right
valign: Set vertical alignment top, center, bottom
offx: Set horizontal offset value (percent of the page width) 0
offy: Set vertical offset value (percent of the page height) 0
color: Set text color using RGB color model – "r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255)".
Example: "r:0,g:128,b:0,a:255"
bgcolor: Set text background color using RGB color model – "r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255)".
Example: "r:0,g:255,b:0,a:128"
angle: Set angle of rotation in degrees (0-360) 0
direction: Set direction for watermark rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise) ccw, cw
border: Draw border no, yes
fit: Fit into image no, yes
method: Set a blending method for watermark – AlphaBlend or Overdraw alphablend, overdraw
zorder: Change Z-order. You can insert the watermark behind (background) or in front (foreground) of the document's contents. foreground, background
txt_margin: Set the size of margins around text, in font units. This can be useful when you're enabling bgcolor or border parameters. 0,0,0,0


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper textwatermark pages:"1,3-5,12" text:"(C) John Smith" font:"Verdana" fontsize:15 bold:yes italic:yes underline:yes halign:center valign:center offx:10 offy:15 color:"r:255,g:0,b:0,a:128" bgcolor:"r:0,g:255,b:0,a:128" angle:45 border:yes

Text annotation (-oper textannotation)

The Text annotation switch enables you to add text to the converted files. Unlike Text watermark, it does not re-render document pages and does not affect the document structure, thus making file processing faster.

-oper textannotation

Parameter Description Value (values in bold
are set by default)
pages: Set page range for the text annotation.
Example: 1,3,5-12

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
text:  Enter annotation text.
Example: "Confidential"
Type any text
url: Enter a URL for the annotation. You can add a clickable web link to the text annotation Enter URL
font:  Set the font name, the default font is Arial.
Example: Verdana
fontsize:  Set font size.
Example: 16
fs_units: Set font size units: points, percents (percent of image height) points, percents
bold:  Make font bold no, yes
italic:  Make font italic no, yes
underline: Make font underlined no, yes
halign: Set horizontal alignment left, center, right
valign: Set vertical alignment top, center, bottom
offx: Set horizontal offset value (percent of the page width) 0
offy: Set vertical offset value (percent of the page height) 0
color: Set text color using RGB color model – "r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255)".
bgcolor: Set text background color using RGB color model – "r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255)".
angle: Set angle of rotation in degrees (0-360) 0
direction: Set direction for watermark rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise) ccw, cw
border: Draw border no, yes
fit: Fit into image  no, yes
method: Set blending method alphablend, overdraw
zorder: Change Z-order. You can insert the watermark behind (background) or in front (foreground) of thedocument's contents. foreground, background
txt_margin: Set the size of margins around text, in font units. This can be useful when you're enabling bgcolor or border parameters. 0,0,0,0


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper textannotation pages:"1" text:"ID00157404" font:"Open Sans" fontsize:35 bold:yes halign:left valign:top offx:1.5 offy:1.5 color:"r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255" bgcolor:"r:200,g:200,b:200,a:255" txt_margin:"10,10,10,10"

Image watermark (-oper watermark)

Use this switch to place an image as a watermark. You can set a path to an image of a common format (PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF) and customize the watermark's parameters like size, positioning, and overlay method.

-oper watermark

ParameterDescriptionValue (values in bold are set by default)
pages:Set page range for the watermark.
Example: pages:"1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
image:Set path to watermark image. Example: image:"C:\Watermark.png"
url:Enter a URL for the watermark. You can add a clickable web link to the text watermarkEnter URL
halign:Set horizontal alignmentleft, center, right
valign:Set vertical alignmenttop, center, bottom
offx:Set horizontal offset value (points)0
offy:Set vertical offset value (points)0
size:Set watermark size as a percent of page width and height. It is possible to set original image size (as is)-1, as is
angle:Set angle of rotation, by default it is 0°0
direction:Set direction of rotation: clockwise or counterclockwiseccw, cw
method:Set a blending method for watermark – AlphaBlend or Overdrawalphablend, overdraw
zorder:Change z-order. You can insert the watermark behind (background) or in front (foreground) of the document's contents.foreground, background


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -oper watermark pages:"1,3-5" image:"C:\my logo.png" halign:right valign:top offx:10 offy:15

Draw rectangle (-oper paint)

Use the -paint switch to draw a rectangular border around the content of the output pages.

-oper paint

ParameterDescriptionValue (values in bold are set by default)
pages:Set page range for this operation.
Example: pages:"1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
cmd:Select rectangle application: fill or drawfillrect, drawrect
rect:Set rectangle dimensions in the format: "x0 y0 width height""0 0 -1 -1"
pen_color:Set draw color in the format: "r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255),a:(0-255)""r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255"
brush_color:Set fill color in the format:"r:(0-255),g:(0-255),b:(0-255),a:(0-255)""r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255"
pen_width:Set thickness of rectangle's frame1
units:Set draw units: pixels or percentspixels, percents
zorder:Change z-order. You can insert the rectangle in the background or in the foreground of the document's contents.foreground, background

Remove blank pages (-oper removeblankpages)

This switch allows you to automatically remove unnecessary blank pages during processing.


Parameter Description Value (values in bold
are set by default)
pages Set page range for this operation.
Example, "1,3,5-12"

To select pages from the end of the document, use the expression "last" (last for the last page, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
pt Set pixel threshold (0-100%). 0.5
ct Set channel threshold (0-100%). 4

Post-processing actions (-postproc)

Use the -postproc switch to сopy, move, or delete files automatically after processing, if necessary.


Parameter Description Value (values in bold
are set by default)
passed: Select action for successfully converted files: copy, move, or delete none, copy, move, delete
passed_dir: Specify a folder where successfully convert files should be moved or copied to. For example:
-postproc passed:copy passed_dir:"C:\Converted"
Enter path to folder
passed_delsf: Delete empty unused subfolders from the source folder no, yes
failed: Select action to be performed with files that were not converted: do nothing, copy/move to another folder, or delete none, copy, move, delete
failed_dir: Select action for files that failed to convert. For example:-postproc failed:move failed_dir:"C:\Failed" Enter path to folder
failed_delsf: Delete empty subfolders after failed files were moved or deleted from there. no, yes
keepsf: Keep the same subfolder structure as in the input folder (if a folder is set as a source). no, yes
output: Select action for output files: keep all, delete failed, or delete all if at least one failed keep, delete, delete_all

File loading settings (-fls)

The -fls switch contains parameters that control what settings 2PDF applies to the input files before the conversion.

-fls excel

ParameterDescriptionValue (values in bold
are set by default)
esm:Set export scale mode for Excel files.original, fit

-fls imageraster

ParameterDescriptionValue (values in bold
are set by default)
iccprofile:Select action if a source file contains a color profileignore, embedded, embedded_non_rgb
iccpath:Set ICC profile file path. For example:"C:\My folder\CMYK.icc"

Load custom 2PDF Settings file (-inipath)

The -inipath switch enables you to load previously saved custom 2PDF Settings. These settings are saved using the Export button as a "2PDF-settings <date>.ini" file. By including the path to this settings file, you can apply specific default settings to your 2PDF command if needed.


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -inipath "C:\In\2PDF-settings 2023-12-25.ini"

Information (-info)


Get the number of pages of a file as executable's exit code. This command generates a code with the number of pages contained in a single file as executable's exit code. For example, Page count=5.


2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\Text.pdf" -info pagecount

Command lines (-cmdlines)

The -cmdlines switch allows you to set the path to a TXT file that contains the command (or multiple commands) that need to be executed. This can be helpful when the command is very long or if you want to run several commands sequentially.

2PDF.exe -cmdlines "C:\Folder\commands.txt"

Default settings (-ini)

The default settings are available in the editor with GUI controls. To access it, use this command:

2PDF.exe -ini

The Default Settings define the settings values for each 2PDF session (unless other values are specified in the command line which will override them). So you can set up everything only once, and they will be applied every time you use 2PDF. If you are not sure about a specific setting, please contact our support for assistance.


Convert to PDF all files from folder "C:\In" with all subfolders

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out"

Combine all files from folder "C:\In" to a single multipage PDF file

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf multipage:append combine:"my multipage.pdf"

Convert all files from folder "C:\In" to searchable PDF 

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf ocr:yes ocr_lang:English

Convert to PDF all files, listed in a text file "C:\tests\list.txt"

2PDF.exe -src "@C:\tests\list.txt" -dst "C:\Out"

Quickly combine a large number of PDFs (10000 files) from folder "C:\In" and save the output file as "C:\Out\output.pdf"

2pdf.exe -src "C:\in\*.pdf" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf multipage:append combine:"output.pdf" -options fast_combine:10000

Split multipage files into separate PDF pages

2pdf.exe -src "C:\in\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf multipage:split

Password-protect multiple documents (batch lock files)

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -options dstpwd:password

password – enter a password which will be applied to all source files

Remove password from multiple secured documents (batch unlock files)

2PDF.exe -src "C:\In\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -options srcpwd:password1 srcpwd:password2 srcpwd:password3

password1, password2, password3 – if, e.g., files within a folder have 3 different passwords

Combine emails with attachment(s) to PDFs and keep the original file name

2PDF.exe -src "C:\Emails\*.*" -dst "C:\Out" -pdf multipage:append combine:{containername}.pdf